Monday, June 4, 2007

I'm Afraid and dog with boots

I spent some time with this great dog tonite and he has red shoes. It must be a sign from Dorothy?

Tonite I also found out that I am performing at Trans pride at the TrannyMarch. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeck. Huge stage thousands of people and performing with some of my heros? Yikes.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Top o' the queer world

I am the lucky guy. Great friends to stay with and visit with livin' in the Castro for a month........this is the view off Jane and Judy porch on this fab sunny (1st one) day in San Fran. Wow I am blessed.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Dad and I at the Mariners vs. Rangers game tonite. Good fun...have not done this for years.

What is it Marx said about sport something about it being the opiate of the masses oh no maybe that was religion.

Good bonding time with the fun

off on the train tomorrow.

off to San Fran again

Writing from Seattle with my mom and and I off to a Seattle Mariners game tonite. drove down last night. Went to see my friend Kathy's group artshow of tarot art. Twas fab!

Very excited about school and seeing my SF friends.


Thursday, May 3, 2007

quadra island, starfish, new roomate

wow I forget i have a blog. Last weekend I was on Quadra island off Vancouver Island (pop.850). It was amazingly summy (that's sunny and yummy). We the lovely Melanie and I were 1 of 2 groups of people permit entry to a closed campground of 136 sites right on the ocean. It was stunning. I swam well ran in and out a couple times..........just chilling on the beach, chatting reading, cuddling with the dog. Solitude

I have also developed a love of the starfish since my last post. More to come.

i no longer have a house full of people- Just dean and I now although he is away at the moment. I am looking forward to living with him.

Tonite I had the privledge of going to see Betty Dodson the mother of masterbation. She was speaking and doing a slideshow of her art at the Victoria Erotica Festival.

The Fest is going on all weekend - I am looking forward to the Masquerade Ball on Sat!

Monday, April 16, 2007

homophobia and bikes

One of the things that I do for a living as many of you know is give workshops to high school students about various topics. Today it was homophobia and transphobia. Damn we had a brutal group today I felt like crying in the middle of the workshop. They we just so damn hurtful. I was just there for the day and I am an adult. I hate to imagine what it would be like to be a queer kid or a kid that people thought was queer. wow so much fear.

Oh the upside I bought a new bike this weekend. $5 whole dollars.
Check it out

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Watching Shortbus-- at my parents

Ok. So Shortbus---------my new favorite movie......realish people struggling with real issues around sex, intimacy and relationship. All things did not have a happy ending..........and monogamy did not solve every thing. Wow........Iam smitten.

Iam sure I will come down and have more...........critque.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Writing Papers

Damn I have been working on this paper all weekend, well really it is a summary, critique and comparision of this book that I have to write about chapter by chapter. Granted I am learning tons, but my "how long is this going to take me to do" skills need some work. I thought it might take about half the time it is taking and I am still not finished.
Life is good the sun is peaking through the clouds.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Serious frozen chess in Calgary your move, Pants. This is a semi- active park.

Friday, April 6, 2007

In a passive park in downtown Calgary. A passive park a park in which you can do nothing, they forgot no fun on the sign,

This gets me thinking of what a aggressive park would look like, and what a passive-aggressive park would be like.

Anyway, just spent 5 days in Calgary. Very cold, snowing the whole time. Molly and I where presenting our Queer EYE for the Service Provider, workshop format to folks at the Outrights, queer human rights conference, that went with the Outgames. It was interesting I attended some kewl workshops; Rectal Microbicides 101, Towards a new measurement scale of sexual orientation, Sexual Self-Esteem, Sexism in Gay Language, Queer Ambivalence Toward Gay Marriage and much more.

I met up with folks that I met at Camp FyreFly-Queer youth leadership Camp last summer.....we went out for drinks, hung out, went Karaoke(ing)- good times. We went up the tower and saw the flatlands. Had a spiritual moment in a fab indoor garden in the middle of the city.

I am damn happy I live here. Thanks Grandpa! Where today I got too hot doing homework on my front porch.

As spring has arrived so have the baby goats, at the petting zoo at Beacon Hill Park. I have been 3 times to see them.

Strange, I am amused by the baby goats but have found myself more interested in the jaw movements of the adult goats.

I have also been caught trying to imitate the jaw movements of late.

Joe Dog Is Home

Joe Dog is home
after 2 years of Joe
Dog being missing we
finally got him back.

My heart goes out to
the folks that looked
after him.

But blessed be he is back

Much news.......


Friday, March 23, 2007

It is important yes it is.
It is important yes it is.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Then they get drunk and shit on you.

ah, life

Today, the good folks prevailed!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Seattle Erotic Art Fest & Travel with the Mother

The fest has been great, I volunteered with the photo booth folks, handelling the money. Met many artists and got the word out about the EHM - Trans Erotic project I working on.

I was temporarily hipnoed by an ensemble of classical improve music which included an opera singer, a violinist, a stand up bass player and a cellist. They where magnificent, so sexy.

Great food and company and curator talk with Laura about the EHM. Damn exciting

Hung out with mom and trudged around the shops (ie quality time)

all right sleep early..........

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Travelling, dating and bangs

wow, since i have been back from Cali..........I have been to Richmond for the Pacific AIDS Network Conference and now up the island for 4 days.

Fun things to do in hotels may be the title of my next book. I love my job

sex is on my mind. Maybe cause I got distracted be the whole more that just sex possibilty in SF.
Which goes down as the wierdest end to a date story. just ask

I want to be able to accept and be supportive of most things but hairless cats are freaky.

I am growing my bangs and I am afraid of them. Dr. Nusbaum was right.

Off to Seattle for the Erotic Art Festival tomorrow, with my mom.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Thoughts from Sex School

As another of my towers crumble I attempt to give name to what I have learned. Or Ingredients for Sex Chowder.

It is unhealthy not to have sex

It is our social, political and personal responsibility to know how to pleasure ourselves.

Gay sex, str8 sex-- it is all just sex

Sex, pleasure and garage sales have a lot in common. One person's treasure is another person's junk.

That is all I can extract right to the ocean.

New favorite book

Excerpt from "Faggots and Their Friends Between Revolutions" by Larry Mitchell 1977

"The faggots cultivate the most obscure and outrageous parts of the past. They cultivate those past events which the men did not want to happen and which, once they did happen, they wanted to forget. These are the parts the faggots love the best. And they love them so much that they tell the old stories over and over and then they act them out and then, as the ultimate tribute they allow their lives to re-create those obscure parts of the past. The pain of fallen women and the triumph of defeated women are constantly and lovingly made flesh again. The destruction of witty faggots and the militancy of beaten faggot are constanlty and loving made flesh again. And so these parts of the past are never lost. They are imprinted in the bodies of the faggots where the men cannot go.

The men want everyone to remember and commemorate only their moments of victory and plentitude. the men hope that only they have such moments. So history becomes a chronicle of wars and brutality and state splendor. Art attempts to transform men's brutishness into men's benevolence. The faggots know better. They know that one man's victory means the defeat of others and that some men's plentitude men's that other go hungry. The faggots refuse to celebrate the men's lies."

can't say what

something about wallpaper flowers
and the dirty streets of San Francisco
it opens
a movement near elbow
a way no longer seen