Monday, February 19, 2007

Thoughts from Sex School

As another of my towers crumble I attempt to give name to what I have learned. Or Ingredients for Sex Chowder.

It is unhealthy not to have sex

It is our social, political and personal responsibility to know how to pleasure ourselves.

Gay sex, str8 sex-- it is all just sex

Sex, pleasure and garage sales have a lot in common. One person's treasure is another person's junk.

That is all I can extract right to the ocean.

New favorite book

Excerpt from "Faggots and Their Friends Between Revolutions" by Larry Mitchell 1977

"The faggots cultivate the most obscure and outrageous parts of the past. They cultivate those past events which the men did not want to happen and which, once they did happen, they wanted to forget. These are the parts the faggots love the best. And they love them so much that they tell the old stories over and over and then they act them out and then, as the ultimate tribute they allow their lives to re-create those obscure parts of the past. The pain of fallen women and the triumph of defeated women are constantly and lovingly made flesh again. The destruction of witty faggots and the militancy of beaten faggot are constanlty and loving made flesh again. And so these parts of the past are never lost. They are imprinted in the bodies of the faggots where the men cannot go.

The men want everyone to remember and commemorate only their moments of victory and plentitude. the men hope that only they have such moments. So history becomes a chronicle of wars and brutality and state splendor. Art attempts to transform men's brutishness into men's benevolence. The faggots know better. They know that one man's victory means the defeat of others and that some men's plentitude men's that other go hungry. The faggots refuse to celebrate the men's lies."

can't say what

something about wallpaper flowers
and the dirty streets of San Francisco
it opens
a movement near elbow
a way no longer seen